Philippine Haggai Institute Alumni Association

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Alumni Chapter Manual

Alumni Chapter Manual


The Philippine Haggai Institute Alumni Association (PHIAA) encourages the formation of alumni chapters wherever possible. These chapters are by, for and of the alumni. They are to provide alumni fellowship, encouragement and development in the task of reaching their people for Christ. These chapters should bring together alumni of various denominational, social and vocational backgrounds for evangelism, prayer, fellowship, inspiration, advanced leadership training seminars at appropriate levels throughout the province, and the selection and screening of applicants for international training in Singapore or Maui.

All chapter activities should be designed to help alumni fulfill the goals they established during their training in the Area, Regional or National Seminars or in the international training in Singapore or Maui. Special emphasis is on (1) evangelizing their people and (2) training others to do the same.


1. Haggai Institute alumni in any province who wish to organize an alumni chapter should contact the PHIAA National Office or the Executive Director or the Regional Representative and request the names and addresses of all the alumni in that province.

2. The alumnus or alumna, who is acting as initiator, should invite all alumni to an organizational meeting at which officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) are elected and plans made to adopt the PHIAA Bylaws which defines the functions and activities of the chapter and its officers. Where distances are too great for alumni to keep in close contact, sub-chapters should be organized.

3. The alumni should adopt the PHIAA Bylaws which cover the organization and activities of the chapters in the entire country. The Bylaws pertain specifically to the national alumni association (PHIAA) but all chapters should also be governed by the Bylaws, establishing their integral relationship to PHIAA.
A copy of the Bylaws is appended to this manual.)


1. The chapter should be organized in close consultation with and be responsible to the PHIAA National Office.

2. PHIAA has national or area coordinators who are responsible to the national alumni association. The chapter should recognize these leaders and work cooperatively with them to fulfill their job descriptions.

3. All the chapters in the country are responsible to PHIAA. The chapters should have a clear understanding as to what geographically area they are responsible for.


1. The chapter should meet at least four times each year for prayer, fellowship, instruction, coordination, inspiration, training programs and official business.

2. They should give TOP PRIORITY to organizing area, regional and national training seminars. Area seminars (3 days = 18 lecture hours) minister to a particular community or special group of people. A regional seminar (4 days = 24 lecture hours) involves participants from two or more neighboring provinces. National seminars (5 days = 36 lecture hours) are for leaders from all over the country—Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

3. At least once a year the chapter should organize a reunion of alumni, probably at the end of an area, regional or national training seminar conducted in the province.

4. The activities of the alumni chapter should coincide with and enhance the policies and programs of PHIAA.

5. The chapter should conduct their own fund raising in order to have the money needed to underwrite all their activities.


1. All area, regional and national training seminars organized should be coordinated with the PHIAA National Office.

2. The guidelines and curriculum for these seminars are found on pages 5-10 entitled “Organizing Local Seminars”.

3. Materials used in these seminars should be developed by each faculty and be consistent with those used in Singapore/Maui.

4. Each chapter is responsible for underwriting the cost of its training programs.

5. A Need Identification Document (N.I.D.) should be completed and sent to the PHIAA National Office before any training seminar is to be conducted.

6. The faculty line up for any area, regional, or national training seminar should be composed mainly of Haggai Institute international alumni. However, in some cases, other committed Christian leaders with special expertise, who are in agreement with PHIAA principles, may also be invited to lecture. The chapter can recommend to the PHIAA National Office a faculty line up for any training seminar, however, the National Office has prerogative to make the final decision.

7. PHIAA will supply training packets containing the application forms, participants’ feedback forms, certificates and other documents needed for area, regional and national training seminars.

8. Each chapter will send to the PHIAA National office a detailed report of its training programs, with pictures, not only to be used in publications but also to be stored for statistical purposes

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